
On this site you will find writings about integrative healthcare and holistic contemporary acupuncture, plus links to other resources, reflecting my 50 years of research, practice, teaching and exploration (ongoing).  

Peaceful natural scene with a leaf-covered bridge over a stream.

Some are historical, some philosophical, some with practical implications. I may even treat you to some of my creative writing – poems and stories, some autobiographical, some not.  

On this site you will NOT find flashing graphics, moving frames or text superimposed on images.  Call me old-fashioned, but I find them gimmicky and distracting and wish to create a space where the ideas speak for themselves.

Where to start?

In the About section, I talk about the name, Integrative Healthcare, about my style of practice, and about my background.

In the Writings section you will find a list of my publications and a selection of pieces with theoretical , clinical and professional flavours.

The Plantar Heel Pain section is a comprehensive resource for those interested in the use of acupuncture and related techniques for PHP.